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Clement Middle School

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About Clement

Welcome to Clement Middle School
501 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Redlands, California 92374
(909) 307-5400

Our school serves 1,000 sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students on our beautiful 22 acre campus.

We believe that Clement Middle School should be a place where students welcome and respect diversity. Students will develop their potential through a variety of learning experiences. Our school should be a place where students want to come, and everyone is involved in the education of children, including parents and community members.

We believe that it is our responsibility to provide a safe and positive learning environment with a variety of opportunities to achieve success. It is our responsibility to motivate students, to promote wise choices, and to develop character. We believe that we must be role models who exemplify the excellence we encourage in students.

We believe that students want to feel like they belong and are accepted, that they want to be respected and treated fairly, and that they want to be recognized for their successes. We believe that students need rules, boundaries, structure, and consistency. We believe that students need to develop from dependent 6th graders in a nurturing, sheltered, protected environment, to independent 7th graders who are aware of their value as individuals, to responsible 8th graders who set long term goals, assume leadership roles, and leave middle school prepared for high school.