State Databases
Fast Facts
- Primary source cultural & statistical country reports
- World, kids, states and Canadian provinces
- Native recipes, interviews, photos and video
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- Over 1,700 full-text titles
- 11,000+ Research Topics
- Over 7 million photos, graphics, maps, websites
- Great for any general topic of research
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- Over 10,000 full-text scholarly journals
- Great resource for college level academics
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- Editorial-vetted content for K-8 interdisciplinary curriculum areas
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Fast Facts
- Background and analysis on 345+ leading issues
- CODiE award-winning resource for pro/con issues
- Supports state, national and international learning standards
Fast Facts
eBook subscription database (over 12,000 titles) to support multiple subject areas (English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology).
Fast Facts
- Great general encyclopedic information with quick facts on a wide variety of subjects.
- Seperated into Elementary, Middle, and High School Levels.
- Aligned to the next generation science, common core, and state curriculum standards
Fast Facts
Escolar is the leading knowledge-building resource that is universally trusted for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish.